Phone | +6287887220551 |
Website | www.nagasemut.com |
Biography | Business development department as manager, working with Marketing and Sales teams to expand market base in Indonesia, regional markets in Asia, Africa, Europe and America. PT Naga Semut has capacity and expertise for plastic bag manufacture with integrated plant in Kebumen, Central Java. Customers may choose to request customization for print, color and plastic grade. Highest quality for oxo-degradability and food. It specializes in PP, PE, HD, PET plastics. Consult with us before you order. |
Member since | 3 May, 2017 |
PT Naga Semut is one of plastic manufacturer in Indonesia. It has been in business and production since 1967, through various phases of growth until its existence until today. Naga Semut...
13 August, 2020
1 February, 2020